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So Dead, My Love Page 15

  Lara couldn’t keep away from some of the more obscure shops like Strange Maine and Nostalgia Lightning. The colorful window display of candy at Old Port Candy Company lured Lara inside. Not letting go of Samantha’s arm, she scooped large handfuls of candy from the barrels. Lara was enraptured by the marvels of the 21st century.

  She couldn’t stop admiring the cars, the concrete buildings piercing the sky, the lights and the masses of people. Samantha lost herself in Lara’s wonder, feeling much like a parent to a child discovering life for the first time.

  As the afternoon wound down and completely exhausted with bags weighing down their arms, Samantha realized she wasn’t done with Lara’s initiation into the new age. She couldn’t go back to the limitations of Bayton Isle without fully exposing Lara Karnov to the marvels of the modern world. And what better marvel of modern invention than an airplane?

  As they stood on the sidewalk waiting for the cab Samantha had flagged down, she grabbed Lara by the arm and swung her into the open door of the cab. “We’re not done yet.” She tapped the driver, a dark haired, bearded young man with a baseball cap who waited patiently for directions. “Portland International Airport.”


  The first 737 jet that roared over the cab, Lara Karnov grabbed Samantha’s arm so hard that her nails nearly ripped through her sweater. Lara squirmed in the seat to try and catch the jet as it came in and landed. Samantha figured the trip to the airport would be the highlight of the trip.

  “Samantha, it is metal? In the air? How?” Samantha glanced at the cab driver as she dug out the fare money. He’d tried small talk during the entire ride, but quit after Lara blurted that her horse and carriage was more comfortable than his enclosed metal car. The seats of the cab were worn and hard. Samantha had just giggled, neither encouraging Lara or stopping her.

  They spent the better part of an hour on the second floor of Portland International watching planes land and take off, Samantha trying her best to describe the theory, practice and history of flight. Lara stood, arms outstretched, only inches from the windows, each time one of the powerful jets roared past.

  As she finished watching a jet disappear into the clouds, she turned to Samantha, her black eyes bright with the fires of excitement. “It is amazing your people have learned to fly in their tin cans with engines and fire, but soon, I will teach you to really fly, my darling Samantha, without restraint and truly free in the sky.”


  With the new wardrobe neatly arranged and hanging in the second bedroom closet, Samantha started a fire downstairs, feeling the cold suddenly penetrate deep.

  She was sitting on the edge of the couch in front of the fire, rubbing her hands together, when Lara came down to join her. Samantha had thought of nothing but Mrs. Peabody all the way to Portland, but now it all seemed like nothing more than a faraway memory.

  “My darling, there was nothing to be done about it.” Lara leaned down from behind the couch and wrapped her arms around her. “About your Mrs. Peabody, that is,” she continued softly in Samantha’s ear.

  It brought the nightmare back again. Samantha didn’t turn to look at Lara, but kept her gaze on the fire. “Did I do it, Lara? Tell me, because if I did, I can’t remember any of it except for that horrible dream.”

  Lara nuzzled ever deeper into Samantha’s neck, inhaling the scent of her hair.

  “I tried to tell you about it, but you stopped me. It was my fault, Samantha. You were not ready and I rushed you. Transformation is a difficult feat to accomplish. I should not have set you free on your own. Do not feel guilty, my love.”

  “Why can’t I remember?”

  “Because I made you forget.”

  Samantha stiffened. This time, she did turn to meet Lara’s beautiful face. “You made me forget? Lara, how? I don’t understand.”

  Lara’s smile was so full of love that Samantha almost kicked herself for being this way.

  “It is a useful power you too will develop in time. It is merely an extension of telepathy. And we have that already. Once you gave me control of your mind, we were connected.” She continued to smile until Samantha reached up and gave her an unexpected kiss.

  “It doesn’t matter. I love you. That’s all that matters to me.”

  Samantha brushed away all her doubts, all her fears, like she brushed watercolor on a piece of paper, and stretched with a loud sigh escaping her mouth. Lara still stood behind the couch, admiring her.

  “I’m hungry, Lara.”

  She couldn’t understand what was happening to her appetite. Earlier today, she’d been ravenous. In a rare craving for steak, she begged Lara to eat at Sebago Brewing Company earlier today in downtown Portland yet couldn’t take a bite of the steak sandwich she’d ordered. Lara had ordered nothing, just sat and observed Samantha pick apart and ultimately dump the sandwich.

  The fire crackled as logs shifted and fell. Working her way around to stand before Samantha, Lara looked down at her, smile gone from her face.

  “What’s wrong with me?” Samantha asked looking up at her.

  “It is the blood, Samantha. What you hunger for is blood. You will never be able to eat food like you did.”

  A certain shadow of regret passed Lara’s features and she grew even more serious. “Samantha, we will need to feed again. Soon.” She knelt down and rested her hands on Samantha’s knees. “We must find willing hosts.”

  Samantha was shaking her head even before Lara finished.

  “No. I won’t kill again. No.”

  “Listen to me Samantha.” Lara moved closer. “You killed because you could not control the form you took. I told you, learning transformation could sometimes take years to perfect. We won’t attempt it again.”

  “What do we do then?”

  “Be ourselves, Samantha. You must realize that they will not be harmed. They will provide us with what we need and suffer little. I want to walk as one with your kind, not murder them.”

  Suffer little? How little? thought Samantha.

  “Lara, I love you and I’ve given myself to you, but I need to know everything.”

  “My darling, biology never changes. The human body needs a certain amount of blood flowing through the body in order to function.” Lara stopped, hesitation in her eyes. “There are certain Karnov who care nothing for our human hosts, drain them till they wither and die. But I am not like them.”

  That wasn’t the answer Samantha wanted and she wasn’t about to give in until she was satisfied they would not hurt someone else. She raised an eyebrow at Lara, who smiled a crooked little smile of understanding.

  “What I am trying to tell you is that we will have to do this Samantha. There are no choices. Our hosts will be left intact, a bit weakened and drained, but otherwise unharmed. When we have taken all we can without killing them, we must then simply move on. They will remember nothing.”

  She dropped the sentence coldly, one hand in the air. Samantha knew this meant the conversation was closed. Explanation over. Lara got up from the floor and sat next to Samantha, leaning close to her ear.

  “What about your friend Carmen?”

  “No.” It was out before Samantha even thought it.

  Lara stiffened back away from her, surprised. “She is in love with you, you know.”

  “That isn’t the point.”

  “You are in love with her.”

  No, I’m not, Samantha wanted to scream. How could Lara even think that? Lara turned her gaze away.

  “Then what shall we do, my darling?”

  Samantha raised herself smoothly from the couch and walked to her handbag sitting on the phone table. Rummaging deeply, she pulled out her wallet, opened it and pulled out a business card.

  She held it out for Lara to see, pleased with herself.

  “I know exactly what we’re going to do.”

  She noted the address on the card Stephen Kendall had given her and tossed it on the table.

  “I’m not doing this though without you
teaching me precisely how I can control myself and not harm anyone again.” She pressed her lips and pouted at Lara. “Please?”

  Lara shook her head and couldn’t resist the smile. “Very well, my darling, I will teach you how easy it is to jump into a human being’s mind. It merely takes complete concentration and visualizing.” She grabbed Samantha by the shoulders and faced her. “Now, look at me. Imagine your own mind inside mine pushing hard, like a hurricane wind sweeping through a city and smashing everything in its way.” Lara laughed as Samantha squinted her eyes, pretending to be in deep concentration. “Here, I will show you.”

  Suddenly, without warning, Samantha’s felt a jolt in her brain she stumbled back, almost blinded by the hit. She rubbed her temples and looked at Lara incredulously.

  “Wow, I can do that?”

  Lara laughed again. “If you follow all my instructions, you will, but you won’t need the intensity I just displayed.”

  Chapter 14

  Since meeting up with Samantha and her New York associate, Carmen’s gut instincts were working overtime. Samantha looked ill. She’d lost weight and her skin color was too pale. On top of that, her visitor was just as pale and frail. Did everyone from New York look like that? And her face. It stuck on Carmen’s mind like fresh flypaper.

  Things had never been busier for Carmen. She had to put aside her personal worries for Samantha in order to focus her attention on the fundraiser. Bayton Isle had need of only a minimal law enforcement force. Since moving here, it had always been only Sheriff Murphy and Deputy Stewart.

  The Fire Department was comprised of one fire truck and a handful of certified, full time firemen with volunteers rounding out the rest. But these units received very little operating capital. The fundraiser helped to supplement the paltry sum they were forced to work with. It was how the Fire Dept. had been able to get that state-of-the-art fire truck. If they were going to have only one, it should be adequate to meet the community’s growing needs. New police cars were next on the agenda.

  This year, for the first time, the fundraiser would be a combined effort. This had been Carmen’s doing. After the event was over and done with, Carmen made a mental note to invite Samantha over for dinner. Just the two of them. She hoped Sara Martine would have found her way back to New York by then.

  Being this busy had its benefits, though. It kept her mind off Gillian. Not a pleasant parting, she tried to avoid the bookstore at any cost. The few times she had occasion to go, it had been a mistake. She’d run into Stephen Kendall and Gillian in conversation over coffee at the back cafe area. She had tried to hurry out and forget. She just needed to go home, lick her wounds and make sense of it all.

  She was increasingly thankful for the strength her mother had passed on to her. Tomorrow would always be better, she had always said. And if not today’s tomorrow, then tomorrow’s tomorrow.


  The Carlton Inn hadn’t seen much change since the 1920’s when it was built and then owned by the once great silent film director and producer Stan Carlton. A three-story frame building with decorative shutters at each window, the Carlton Inn was the place to be back when Bayton Isle was being discovered by the rich and famous as a favorite hide away. Carlton used it as his own personal palace, hosting huge, glamorous parties. The likes of John Gilbert, Greta Garbo and Douglas Fairbanks had once basked in its then glorious grounds.

  Now Carlton Inn, renamed after the building was bought by the Tuttle Company out of Freeport, was mostly a room and board, apartments housing. Some even called it a bed and breakfast.

  Stephen Kendall liked it there. His room, studio, efficiency, whatever name you wanted to put on it, was comfortably furnished. Nothing excessive. Young doctors just starting out couldn’t afford to carry too much baggage around. One never knew when that golden opportunity might come calling, pulling you away to the furthest reaches of the country. For instance, he never would have figured landing here.

  Gillian Haskell liked spending time at Stephen’s place. Their lovemaking was frequent. Gillian was exhausting him. Stephen Kendall had been hesitant at first to become involved with her, but she had been aggressive in her pursuit. At the time, he was having difficulty getting Samantha Barnes out of his mind and besides that, there was the fact that Gillian had just gone through a divorce. A woman on the rebound was something he tried to keep away from.

  But every night for the past week they ended up here, naked in his bed. This evening was no different. The light from the dinner candles still danced gently throughout the apartment. He was just ready to close his eyes and take a deep, satisfying breath, when a knock disrupted the quiet.

  Gillian stirred and looked up at him, confused and reaching for a blanket. His table clock across the bed showed 9:00 p.m. He quickly reached for his khaki pants and white shirt.

  Adjusting his clothes, he tried to imagine who could possibly be knocking on his door at this hour. The hospital? No, he had his beeper. Not in his wildest dreams would he have guessed who stood behind the door when he opened it.


  Samantha couldn’t help but smile as Stephen stood looking shocked behind the half opened door. He did look rather foolish, shirt awkwardly buttoned, hair out of place. Lara stood quietly behind Samantha. Regaining his senses, he finally found his voice.

  “Samantha...I...what can I do for you?” He looked quickly behind him. He obviously had company. Deep inside, Samantha laughed maliciously. This was definitely not the situation he would have wanted when she finally came knocking at his door.

  “Stephen. Glad to see you’re home. I would have called, but my friend and I were out having dinner and I talked her head off about you and my accident and I thought we might visit.”

  He stood there, a half-hearted, embarrassed smile plastered on his face, unable to answer her.

  “Quit being so rude, Stephen. Let your company in.” Gillian Haskell suddenly appeared behind him, a red satin robe wrapped around her.

  Samantha wasn’t sure if Stephen looked relieved or embarrassed, but he smiled and opened the door for her and Lara, motioning them in. Excusing his appearance, he tried to brush back his hair and readjust his clothes. Gillian just watched, eying Samantha with special attention.

  “We apologize for the intrusion,” Lara said, as Stephen pointed to a large floral couch, “But this was a rather spur of the moment decision.” She cast a smile at Samantha.

  “Stephen, if there’s a better time....” Samantha said.

  “Oh no. Just...ah...Gillian and I were relaxing a bit after dinner. Glad you could drop by. Uh, can I get either of you some wine? Or maybe dessert?”

  “No thanks, Stephen. But I’d like you to meet Sara Martine. She’s a business associate from New York. She’s staying with me while we work out a contract for a book cover.”

  “Oh, another book about Bayton Isle?” Gillian asked, not taking her eyes off Stephen.

  “No. I only do work for the romance books. But didn’t Carmen tell you that?”

  “How nice.” Gillian ignored Samantha’s question. She was wired.

  Stephen didn’t look comfortable and there was a part of Samantha that delighted in his misery. Enjoying Gillian’s cold reception, she crossed her legs and looked directly at Stephen.

  “Stephen, I had no idea you and Gillian were friends.”

  “We’re not friends. We’re lovers,” Gillian answered for Stephen.

  There was silence in the room but not in Samantha’s head.

  “Let us make this quick. Stephen is yours. He fancies you. He will be easy.” Lara was speaking to her mind. “Just remember what I have taught you. Control over another’s mind can be simple.”

  Samantha got up and walked over to Stephen, faintly touching the buttons of his shirt. “Stephen, I think I’ll have a glass of wine after all. Do you have red?” She shot a glance back at Lara, who was eyeing Gillian.

  Jumping into Stephen’s mind wasn’t as difficult as she’d thought. He was so willing. She
really had no intention of drinking wine, red or otherwise. If he felt her presence in his head, he didn’t fight it. He stood there quietly.

  Samantha leaned close against him. The candles burning in the apartment must have been scented. There was a sweet smell, something like cinnamon. Everything around her faded and only the sound of Stephen Kendall’s heartbeat resounded through her body.

  It was so quiet. She let her mind dwell only briefly on Lara and Gillian. What was Lara doing with Gillian? She didn’t think Gillian would be such easy prey. But that was for Lara to cope with. Her lover had many more centuries of experience than she. She could handle Gillian.

  It was somewhat frightening having complete control over another human being. Stephen stood, eyes glazed, waiting for whatever she wanted of him. Too bad it wasn’t sex, Samantha thought wickedly.

  She leaned over, suddenly overwhelmed by his male scent. She found it too pungent and hoped this would be quick. His body was warm, muscular and the beginning of an erection was pushing against her.

  Samantha pushed him back against the kitchen counter and without waiting, without a trace of tender emotions, sunk her teeth into his pulsing neck. Meshed together, she felt his body jerk and stiffen. The blood tasted sweet and she drank, an electric sensation coursing through her veins. Almost orgasmic. She was so thirsty. Stephen had stopped moving, shoulders drooped.

  Like a faraway echo, she heard Lara calling her name. Her voice sounded muffled, like she was shouting into a tin can. Then strong hands pulled at her. She turned her head to see Lara watching her intently.

  “Enough, Samantha. You will kill him!”

  This time, the voice was loud and clear. There was a small smear of what Samantha knew was blood on Lara’s chin. She took the sleeve of her coat and wiped it. Stephen was on his way to the floor. The sound of his body hitting the linoleum shocked Samantha back into focus.